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May 2024
NEW: RAL K7 Colour Fan on Water Base

Dear readers,

We are pleased to inform you today about our new edition of the popular RAL K7 water based colour fan. It is now available. Made in Germany, the colour fan contains all 216 shades of the RAL CLASSIC colour collection in water based colours and, at the same time, offers the usual RAL precision and colour fidelity.

Our mission is to make the fan and its handling easier and better for users all over the world and thus to continuously develop RAL COLOURS. Advantages and customisations of the RAL K7 fan at a glance:

  • By switching to water based paint, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can be reduced. With a production run of 250,000 K7s, approx. 6 tonnes or approx. 90 % of VOC emissions can be saved compared to conventional nitrocellulose lacquer production. This corresponds to a C02 equivalent of around 36 tonnes or around 50 flights by one person from Berlin to Mallorca and back. Switching to a water based product is therefore a step towards environmental sustainability.
  • The colours of the fan are low in solvents and odour.
  • The water based paint used is more UV-resistant compared to conventional nitrocellulose lacquer and thus increases the protection against yellowing of the colours.
  • The colour names on the front are now in English.
  • Additional colour names in German, Spanish, French and Chinese can be found as additional pages within the fan.
  • The cover of the fan is made from 100% post-industrial polypropylene waste.
  • The RAL K7 colour fan continues to offer a handy format with 5 colours per page, providing a quick overview of the RAL CLASSIC colours.

›› Discover the new water based RAL K7 colour fan!

What distinguishes RAL CLASSIC as a colour collection?

RAL CLASSIC stands for a historically grown colour collection that currently comprises 216 colour shades. In contrast to a colour system such as the RAL SYSTEM plus, it is not subject to a systematic approach, but is a collection of individual colour shades that has now been in existence for almost 100 years. In order to be included in the collection, certain criteria must be met: The colour shade must serve an overriding public interest and not be subject to fashion trends. Examples of the use of RAL colours include traffic signs (RAL 5017 Traffic Blue), the marking of fibre optic cables (RAL 6039 Fibrous Green) and use in cleanrooms and laboratories (RAL 9012 Cleanroom White). The current collection comprises 193 solid colours, 15 pearlescent colours, 6 fluorescent colours, one micaceous iron colour and one metallic colour. Each colour shade is clearly identified by a 4-digit RAL code and an associative colour name. The first digit stands for the colour shade (e.g. 1: yellow, 2 orange, 3 red, etc.), the following 3 digits are selected consecutively. The advantage of RAL colour shades is that they are easily accessible, widely used and independent of manufacturer and material. The coded colour shades enable precise, international communication about colours.

›› Order the new RAL K7 colour fan now and use the RAL CLASSIC colour collection!

Did you already know?
How the colour fan is manufactured

In this video, we take you on a journey into the production of our colour fans. Whether you are an experienced professional in the field of crafts, architecture, design or colour, find out how the colours get into the colour fan and gain an insight into the synergy between people and technology in the production of the fan made in Germany.

›› Watch the video now and get an insight into production!

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RAL gemeinnützige GmbH
Fränkische Straße 7
53229 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 228 68895 120
Number of register: HRB 23155
Sales tax identification number: DE 814 988 168
CEO, Chairman of the Board: RA Rüdiger Wollmann
Manager: RA Thomas Roßbach, Attorney-at-Law
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