RAL COLOURS is primarily known for its colour fans and colour samples as well as the standardisation of over 2,500 colour shades.
In addition to offering these and other products as well as the popular RAL colour shades, RAL COLOURS offers a wide range of services. For example, companies can have the popular RAL colour fans customised and use them as their own advertising material or have their corporate colours standardised exclusively. The colour primary standard cards, which can be used as production samples, can be tested for quality and validity by our colour measurement laboratory. On top of this, licences allow you to advertise with RAL COLOURS. And we pass on our colour knowledge as part of colour consultations or workshops.
Our free RAL COLOUR FEELING colour trend report offers you guidance and support for contemporary design with colour every year.
›› Find out more about our comprehensive services today and feel free to contact us to realise your individual ideas!