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August 2024
The new Colour Trend Report is coming soon

Dear readers,

The new RAL COLOUR FEELING 2026+ will be presented on 24 September 2024. This issue of the trend report with the 15-part colour palette is entitled KNOW + IMPROVE. Look forward to the colours that will shape our future and find out more about the background to the trend report and the new RAL Trendbox. Take the opportunity to ask your questions directly.

German presentation: 11 am

English presentation: 1 pm

›› Save the date now and join us live for the digital presentation!

Best wishes,

RAL COLOUR FEELING: Focus on Continuity and Sustainable Design

The RAL colour trend reports build on each other. This means that the colours of one year can also be combined with the shades from the previous year's palette or the shades from the following year. This approach of continuity and further development makes it possible to adapt existing designs with minimal changes and create new atmospheres without wasting resources.

Since the 2022+ palette, several colours from the previous year's palette that are still relevant have therefore been consciously continued.
So what is the direction for 2026+? Find out more about the RAL COLOUR FEELING 2025+ colour palette today and look forward to the latest edition on 24 September.

›› Discover the Colour Trend Report 2025+ now!

RAL Trendbox – award-winning tool for practical work with the trend colours

Since the RAL COLOUR FEELING 2023+, the RAL Trendbox has been published in line with the colour trend report. The box is created in cooperation with our partners and transfers the colours to various materials. It is ideal for experimenting with the palette and creating mood boards.

The RAL Trendbox 2025+ has received the highest award - Gold - of the German Design Awards in the category "Excellent Product Design" from the German Design Council.

Each edition is limited - the RAL Trendbox 2025+ is already sold out, but a few examples of the 2023+ edition are still available. Grab one and look forward to the 24.09.2024, when the next edition will expand your collection of materials in the direction of colour trends for 2026+.

›› Get your RAL Trendbox 2023+ now!

Did you know?
Workshops & Seminars at the RAL ACADEMY

With two new colleagues on board at RAL COLOURS in the field of colour design & colour training, workshops on the topic of RAL COLOUR FEELING have been taking place regularly since this year. For the upcoming RAL COLOUR FEELING 2026+, numerous events are once again planned at various locations.

Further colour seminars and workshops are also planned as part of the RAL ACADEMY.

›› Find out more about workshops and seminars at RAL now!

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RAL gemeinnützige GmbH
Fränkische Straße 7
53229 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 228 68895 120
Number of register: HRB 23155
Sales tax identification number: DE 814 988 168
CEO, Chairman of the Board: RA Rüdiger Wollmann
Manager: RA Thomas Roßbach, Attorney-at-Law
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