The RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus is a colour system that contains a total of 1,825 colour shades and is based on the internationally known CIELab system. The colours are sorted into 39 colour shades as well as a grey axis and are finely graded in the dimensions of brightness and chromaticity. Each colour shade is clearly identified by a 7-digit RAL code and a unique, associative colour name. The colour code gives an indication of the position of the colour in the colour system: the first three digits stand for the colour range. The spectrum ranges from 000 for the tones on the grey axis to 360 for berry and pink shades. The fourth and fifth digits indicate the brightness, whereas low values reflect particularly dark and high values particularly light shades. The last two digits stand for the chromaticity, where low values represent little saturated nuances and high values particularly chromatic nuances. For example, RAL 260 30 35 Royal Blue is a shade of blue that is relatively dark and strong. The clear labelling facilitates communication about the colour shade, and, at the same time, the colour names stimulate the creative design process.
›› Order the optimised RAL D2 colour fan now and benefit from the colour variety of the RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus!
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