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June 2022
10% discount on RAL INDIVIDUAL
10% discount on RAL INDIVIDUAL

Dear Readers,

RAL colour fans are practical design tools that provide a quick overview of the respective colour collection. With your individual colour fan, you can combine the advantages of a RAL product with the awareness of your own brand. In this way, you remain present with your customers and offer them a tool with high added value. Due to its handy format, this form of customer loyalty is also perfect for on the go.

You have 6 colour fans to choose from, which you can provide with your company image. You can choose between colour fans from the RAL CLASSIC, RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus and RAL EFFECT colour collections. Starting with the world's best-selling colour fan, the RAL K7, through the infinite variety of designs with the RAL D2 of the RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus to the noble colour fans of the RAL EFFECT colour collection, RAL offers the perfect combination for every design purpose in conjunction with your personal company logo.

RAL INDIVIDUAL is the perfect solution for all those who want to clarify their expertise and provide their customers with a very special advertising medium.

Until 31.07.2022 we grant you a 10 % discount on the personalised colour fans. Simply enter the code "RAL10" when ordering or making your request and look forward to colour fans with your company logo at a special price*.

Contact us now and request your desired colour fan!

Best wishes,

Robert Peil
Sales Coordinator RAL COLOURS

Meike Kettenuß
Marketing & Product Management RAL COLOURS

*This promotion cannot be combined with other discounts, promotions and special agreements.

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RAL gemeinnützige GmbH
Fränkische Straße 7
53229 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 228 68895 120
Number of register: HRB 23155
Sales tax identification number: DE 814 988 168
CEO, Chairman of the Board: RA Rüdiger Wollmann
Manager: RA Thomas Roßbach, Attorney-at-Law
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