Dear readers,
Since mid-April, the new RAL COLOURS website is online. Today we would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback and perhaps even more for your further comments and suggestions. The website only stays active due to this dialogue with you and provides you with a wide range of information on the topic of colour design. Those who have not yet been able to discover the new website are warmly welcome to take a look at
We are happy to see that a number of face-to-face events are planned once again for autumn; the desire for personal exchange and discussion at such meetings has increased significantly over the last few months. At the same time, higher vaccination rates make us feel a little bit more optimistic about the future. The feeling of new beginnings and joyful anticipation are equally high. Especially when it comes to the haptic and sensual topics of colour & materiality, there is a great desire to make products "tangible again", to exchange personal ideas and to discuss them with each other.
When it comes to colour design in architecture and design, a needs-oriented approach gets more and more attention. At the same time, the processes involved are becoming faster and more digitalised. With our new colorimeter, the RAL COLOR READER, colours can be measured easily and precisely as well as communicated clearly throughout the entire process chain. Additionally, the new RAL family member supports the development of colour palettes in an easy and smart way, no matter if on the building site or in the office.
In this edition, we are happy to take you on a journey through the RAL world. We do not only take a look at new products and present one of our partner networks. It is also important to us to look beyond the horizon of colour design into the other activities of RAL. This time it is about the exciting label "Made in Germany".
We hope you enjoy reading our latest newsletter and wish you a nice and healthy summer.
your RAL COLOURS editorial office