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September 2023

Dear readers,

coming up soon: on 28.09.2023 at 1:00 p.m. the presentation of the forthcoming colour trend report RAL COLOUR FEELING 2025+ will take place! Which colour combinations will shape our environment in the future? Make a note of the date now and be part of the live digital presentation!

›› Save event link now!


We are looking forward to seeing you!

Best regards


The colour trend report RAL COLOUR FEELING shows a 15-part colour palette that will be of particular importance for the respective year as well as beyond. It is to be understood as a further development and is oriented towards the long term. Designs can be complemented by colours of the palettes of subsequent years, so that sustainable, future-oriented design is promoted.

Be inspired by the colour palette for 2023+ under the title SHARE + APPLY. Learn more about the background and application possibilities and be curious about what the subsequent colour palette for 2025+ has in store for you.

›› Discover RAL COLOUR FEELING 2023+ now!

RAL Trend Box 2023+

The interaction of colour, material, surface and light is essential for atmospheric designs. The RAL Trend Box has been developed to implement the transfer of colour to different materials and to enable experimentation with different colour and material combinations.

The RAL Trend Box 2023+ contains the 15-part colour palette in 4 materials each: RAL D6 Single sheets, plastic colour samples, powder-coated metal as well as carpet samples. The samples can be ideally combined with your own materials as well as those of subsequent trend boxes. Get the box today and expand your collection of materials for creative collages, mood boards and designs.

›› Order RAL Trend Box 2023+ now!

Did you know?
RAL Digital Colour Libraries

Digital planning and design are now part of the process of many projects. The more precisely these first phases of a project are planned, the higher the probability of a satisfactory result.

Therefore, work with RAL COLOURS already in these early development phases and use the official Digital RAL Colour Libraries, which you can quickly and easily implement in your software programmes. Discover the digital world of over 2,500 RAL colours and create designs with the RAL COLOUR FEELING colours as well as matching colour tones of all RAL colour palettes.

›› Download RAL Digital Colour Libraries now!

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RAL gemeinnützige GmbH
Fränkische Straße 7
53229 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 228 68895 120
Number of register: HRB 23155
Sales tax identification number: DE 814 988 168
CEO, Chairman of the Board: RA Rüdiger Wollmann
Manager: RA Thomas Roßbach, Attorney-at-Law
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