Dear customers interested parties,
Which colour space will be relevant for designers in the years to come? How can these colour shades be easily combined with basic design principles? And what meaning do these newly emerging combinations have for the currently developing new worlds we live and work in?
We look forward to presenting the answers to these and many more questions about colour design of the future during a very special online event:
Presentation of RAL COLOUR FEELINGS 2021+
During an online presentation of about 40 minutes Prof. Timo Rieke, Creative Director of RAL ACADEMY, and Markus Frentrop, Head of RAL COLOURS, will inform you about the colour trends for the upcoming year and will integrate them into the current economic and social context. All participants will then have the opportunity to ask questions.
Please note Friday, 20 November 2020 from 13:00 p.m. until 14:00 p.m. for the presentation of the new RAL colour trends.
We are looking forward to your active participation. We will send you a short agenda and further information regarding the dial-in and participation at short notice.
Best regards,
your RAL COLOURS editorial office